Sumeliuksenkatu 14, 33100 Tampere
On the map
Tel: +358 20 1234 633
Fax: +358 3 2626 268
Rates: single 110e/night, double 130e/night
Reservation code: FINNCON
Reservations by 16.6. Note that there is only a limited number of rooms available for this price.
HOLIDAY INN TAMPEREYliopistonkatu 44, 33100 Tampere
On the map
Tel: +358 20 245 5111
Fax: +358 245 5100
Rates: single 106e/night , double 121e/night
Reservation code: FNC
Reservations by 16.6. Note that there is only a limited number of rooms available for this price.
HOTELLI VICTORIAItsenäisyydenkatu 1, 33100 Tampere
On the map
Tel: +358 3 2425 111
Fax: +358 3 2425 100
Rates: double 120e/night
Reservations by 25.6. Note that there is only a limited number of rooms available for this price.
HOTELLI HERMICAInsinöörinkatu 78, 33720 Tampere
On the map
Tel: +358 3 365 1111
Fax: +358 3 317 1200
Rates: double 78e/night
Reservation code: FINNCON
Reservations by 13.7. Note that there is only a limited number of rooms available for this price.
SCANDIC HOTEL TAMPEREHämeenkatu 1, 33100 Tampere
On the map
Tel: +358 (0)3 2446111
Fax: +358 (0)3 24462211
Rates: single 102e/night, double 112e/night
Reservation code: FIN250708
Reservations by 4.7. Note that there is only a limited number of rooms available for this price.
CUMULUS PINJASatakunnankatu 10, 33100 Tampere
On the map
Tel: +358 3 241 5111
Fax: +358 3 241 5555
Rates: double 148e/night, single 123e/night